
Sound Sleepers
by Natalie Fay

Client: Natalie Fay


At the height of the U.S. Covid-19 pandemic, the client received her certification as a Sleep Consultant through the Center for Pediatric Sleep Management and became a member of the International Pediatric Sleep Association, intending to start her own business with both.

The client then came to me with a request for a full brand identity and web design package. We worked together to create a brand identity that bridged her diversity-affirming mission and professional psychology, home-care, and child-care background.

The final product was a new sleep consulting agency: Sound Sleepers by Natalie Fay, LLC, complete with a logo, color palette, website and imagery, select social media assets, and business cards thrown in for good measure.



Client Supplied Inspiration

New Logo

The client’s main inspiration for her new logo was the Snooze Fest by Jayne Havens logo. Jayne Havens is a Certified Sleep Consultant, and the client’s business coach. The client favored a simple, typographic logo, with a combined professional, fluid, and friendly personality. The logo design process started with typographic research and narrowing down favorites, then two rounds of revisions, and a final determination.


Color Palette

In the meantime, the client and I worked together on establishing a color palette. To start, the client sourced a deep blue, indicating it as her favorite, stable color, and requesting to use it as her primary brand color. Then, since Sound Sleepers by Natalie Fay needed to be easily identifiable as diversity-affirming, the LGBTQ+ Pride rainbow was fine-tuned to compliment the client’s favorite deep blue, primary brand color.

The yellow and red colors within the client’s rainbow palette were of particular focus, needing to be just the right balance of happy, playful, and energetic, without competing with each other or being too overpowering. In the process, yellow was chosen by the client to act as a highlight color, should the client choose to utilize it in that way. Once the final rainbow colors were chosen, we started in on the design of the client’s website, choosing two fonts that matched her “professional and friendly” business personality goal, while still being easily readable and a good balance of bold and thin weight.



The client’s main inspiration for her new website was again, Snooze Fest by Jayne Havens. The client favored a straightforward, client-facing, and easy-to-navigate website, with plenty of space between design elements for easy reading. The client also requested to stay as low-budget as possible while maximizing site capabilities, and the ability to make minor edits to text without my help, so we decided to go with Squarespace.

With Squarespace, I was able to acquire a free, custom domain for the client’s first year, built a blog page and product recommendations page, utilized built-in payment systems, and integrated analytics and scheduling. We then connected the client’s new business email to the website as well. And images were then tested and acquired through the client’s first trial of Shutterstock.

Explore the full website here.


Social Media

During the creation of the client’s website and web design education, I also helped the client set up her first Instagram and Facebook business pages, creating the profile tags, story highlight covers, logos, and any additional digital assets. The client also wished to use Canva as her primary social media creation tool moving forward, so education as to the usage of the Sound Sleepers brand identity fonts and colors were also provided.


Business Cards

To provide the client with the best chance of connection and representation during social interactions following the pandemic, I decided to provide the client with business cards. Since the client wanted the best quality and value, while still staying low-budget, we utilized as her print servicer.


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